For those not interested in football, a hail mary pass is one the quarterback throws long, often times, when in a real pinch in the game. I guess the term could have started at Notre Dame when the team priest said a prayer asking that the pass be recieved and a touch down scored. Catholics don't mind asking for assistance ( I can say this since I was raised in the Catholic Church! LOL).
Now that we've got that bit of trivia out of the way, I want to tell you why I believe throwing those prayers, wishes, thoughts and FEELINGS out to the Universe is so important. I heard a minister many years ago say, "What comes out of your mouth will be." Think about it folks...If everything out of your mouth is doom and gloom; what do you attract? More of the same, I am betting. Do you feel you live an abundant life? This is the question. Not what you think, but what you feel. Deep feelings are a part of your core. A thinking process is just decide to give thought to something. When you feel something, it just happens!
Many of you recognize this theory called the "law of attraction". If you throw your prayers and feelings out to the Universe consistently and with is amazing the doors that open and the answers given. Gratitude is a key element in the law of attraction. It must given from a sincere place in your heart and without any ulterior motives.
Here is an example of the law of attraction: You really want a new shiny red car and not any car but the ONLY car you've ever wanted! It consumes your thoughts and feelings. You even cut out a picture of it and post it on the bathroom mirror. Before you know it...what is the car you see the most out on the road? That's right, the ONLY shiny red car you've ever wanted. The law of attraction is working. The problem arises when you start to THINK about all the obstacles to getting THAT car.
One could argue that the feelings and focus in this part of your brain is so powerful that the more attention you give to something...the more likely it is to happen as a result of actions taken. I don't know, but I do know the law of attraction works and it requires effort to continue those "Hail Mary" passes to the Universe a lot every day!
A vision board is used by many so that they can see what they feel and want. We are mostly a visual population so pictures often resonate most powerfully. I am working on my vision board as we speak. I want the visual reminder to keep throwing my "passes"! I'm all in as they say at the Texas Hold'em table! How about you?
If this intrigues you, I would encourage you to watch "The Secret" movie or read the book titled the same. The website is also very useful.
I would love to share more about this with you, if you'd like. Feel free to email me with YOUR feelings. I'm throwing it back to you now!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
The Underdog.
Many ask me how it feels that Wake Forest football is struggling so much this year...They know that I am "gold and black" to the core. While it never feels good to be the underdog or on the losing end of the fourth quarter, I see glimers of hope. Coach Grobe has taught and coached all season. He has instilled life lessons that will carry these young men a long ways in life. Being the underdog allows a freedom to learn and grow without pressure from outsiders. The only pressure applied comes from within. The Demon Deacons are competing each week. Sometimes they compete with themselves AND the opposing team. It can be quite overwhelming for a young team.
As I look at the many struggles in peoples' lives, it is easy to adopt a defeatist attitude. I wake up each morning with a prayer for wisdom, patience, and the will to stay focused on what I have, not what I don't. I get out of bed and stretch my legs and remind myself to stretch my mind that day. My Dad, the Coach, walks two miles with Belle (his precious canine companion) every morning no matter the weather. This allows him to clear his mind and get his gratitude in motion.
In the very competitive real estate industry, everyone looks for a weakness in a company so they can recruit. I want to focus on the positives in my company and what we do well. Don't get me wrong, I want to recruit too, but I want to accomplish it with positive facts. I do not care about being the biggest real estate company around, however, being the best we can be is imperative!
The lesson today from the Coach's Daughter is...Whether you feel like the underdog or are on top of your game, you can always learn, stretch, and be more grateful. Lets do this today!
As I look at the many struggles in peoples' lives, it is easy to adopt a defeatist attitude. I wake up each morning with a prayer for wisdom, patience, and the will to stay focused on what I have, not what I don't. I get out of bed and stretch my legs and remind myself to stretch my mind that day. My Dad, the Coach, walks two miles with Belle (his precious canine companion) every morning no matter the weather. This allows him to clear his mind and get his gratitude in motion.
In the very competitive real estate industry, everyone looks for a weakness in a company so they can recruit. I want to focus on the positives in my company and what we do well. Don't get me wrong, I want to recruit too, but I want to accomplish it with positive facts. I do not care about being the biggest real estate company around, however, being the best we can be is imperative!
The lesson today from the Coach's Daughter is...Whether you feel like the underdog or are on top of your game, you can always learn, stretch, and be more grateful. Lets do this today!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Getting to the finish line...
I realized today how easy it is to put things off in favor of the easy way out. Most humans will take the path of least resistance, whenever possible. I have done so today by choice, but I want tomorrow to be a different course of action. I don't want to say it...I want to do it!
I know it is up to me (and no one else) to take those steps forward. As I plan my day tomorrow, I recognize that I tend to schedule too much, so I will focus on a couple of important objectives. I have to remind myself that whatever I accomplish by the end of the day was in fact most important to me. Priorities versus goals. Goals are that which I set my mind to do, while priorities are what I actually accomplish. This concept can be eye opening, if you track it for several days.
Sometimes finishing several small tasks can offer a most satisfying feeling, particularly, if you mark them off your list as you complete them. I am visual so making a list and ticking the items off the list is gratifying. In today's economic climate, it is easy to slide into poor, non productive habits because we say to ourselves, "What difference does it make? It will be the same tomorrow." Often it is hard to notice progress when you are not looking for achievements no matter how substantial. I must remember to look for these opportunities to feel good about meeting my objectives and those of my coworkers.
I must plan my day and work my plan. It sounds easy, but requires commitment. You see, it is my belief if you have a strong plan that is reasonable and relevant then you will have flexibility to change when necessary. Your plan leaves that room to adjust. I've watched several agents have more successful years in this economy that ever before, it is because they adapted their plan and committed to meeting daily objectives. They put fear aside and did not take the easy way out and they realized it was up to them and no one else to succeed. They inspire me and make me proud.
I know it is up to me (and no one else) to take those steps forward. As I plan my day tomorrow, I recognize that I tend to schedule too much, so I will focus on a couple of important objectives. I have to remind myself that whatever I accomplish by the end of the day was in fact most important to me. Priorities versus goals. Goals are that which I set my mind to do, while priorities are what I actually accomplish. This concept can be eye opening, if you track it for several days.
Sometimes finishing several small tasks can offer a most satisfying feeling, particularly, if you mark them off your list as you complete them. I am visual so making a list and ticking the items off the list is gratifying. In today's economic climate, it is easy to slide into poor, non productive habits because we say to ourselves, "What difference does it make? It will be the same tomorrow." Often it is hard to notice progress when you are not looking for achievements no matter how substantial. I must remember to look for these opportunities to feel good about meeting my objectives and those of my coworkers.
I must plan my day and work my plan. It sounds easy, but requires commitment. You see, it is my belief if you have a strong plan that is reasonable and relevant then you will have flexibility to change when necessary. Your plan leaves that room to adjust. I've watched several agents have more successful years in this economy that ever before, it is because they adapted their plan and committed to meeting daily objectives. They put fear aside and did not take the easy way out and they realized it was up to them and no one else to succeed. They inspire me and make me proud.
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Camp Town Races
The Coach and his siblings love to compete...everyone of them! At Tate family reunions, we would all participate in games and races much like many families do once a year when they get together. The difference at the Tate reunions was the level of competition. Let me remind you that all the Tate boys competed at the college level in football and some went on to play at the professional level and coach in high school and college.
As a child, I knew the expectation in these family games was to give it your all no matter what! An unwillingness to try was worse than defeat. If you were going to fail at a Tate reunion race, then fail big and leave it all on the field. I learned in those early days watching the Coach and my Uncles that splashing around in any competition can teach you some important lessons: how to win, how to play, how to lose, and how to laugh. These lessons are key concepts for a happy life and a happy business.
The Tate brothers and sisters played games with gusto and never forgot the bond of family. Do you belong to a work family that encourages you to work with gusto and embraces the above mentioned lessons?
In any challenging time, you must adapt and go in to each day with a passion for the game you are playing right then at that moment. Show Up, Listen, Laugh! This is not a dress rehearsal.
How will you compete today?
As a child, I knew the expectation in these family games was to give it your all no matter what! An unwillingness to try was worse than defeat. If you were going to fail at a Tate reunion race, then fail big and leave it all on the field. I learned in those early days watching the Coach and my Uncles that splashing around in any competition can teach you some important lessons: how to win, how to play, how to lose, and how to laugh. These lessons are key concepts for a happy life and a happy business.
The Tate brothers and sisters played games with gusto and never forgot the bond of family. Do you belong to a work family that encourages you to work with gusto and embraces the above mentioned lessons?
In any challenging time, you must adapt and go in to each day with a passion for the game you are playing right then at that moment. Show Up, Listen, Laugh! This is not a dress rehearsal.
How will you compete today?
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The Power of Now
Image via Wikipedia
We miss so very much by not focusing on the "now". All the little details of the presenter's message...the body language, the tone of the message, or the opportunities offered are overlooked without undivided focus.
Fortunately, you can practice this skill set. There are many techniques you can embrace, but try the following simple steps first:
1. Pick the "right" location for your conversation or meeting
2. Remove distractions
3. Remind yourself out loud how important it is to concentrate on this other person's message
4. Give yourself an incentive for accomplishing the goal of focusing in this situation. I.e. If I totally focus and observe all the signals and cues being given in this meeting, then I will treat myself to a latte.
5. Work requires work so you must practice concentrating.
At your next meeting, look for cues and opportunities. Actively listen to the other party. Engage them in conversation by asking questions. Make eye contact and turn your phone off. Share your message as well. Building rapport and overcoming objections is key to the relationship and the sale.
Many try to close a sale without truly focusing on the communication first, both verbal and nonverbal. How observant are you?
Personally, I know that enhancing this skill will benefit your life physically, financially, and emotionally. Think about the many different ways to concentrate in your life. Do you agree or disagree? Let me know your thoughts. At the very least, I guarantee you different results!
Friday, August 20, 2010
There are times when you must...
I am one of those people that will go until I am exhausted. Are you? With all the talk about the movie, "Eat,Pray,Love" it begs to be asked...Do you need to rest and search your soul? I believe we tend to move at a pace that allows us to deny much of our deep thought. Myself included.
I plan to reread the above mentioned book this weekend and let myself rest both physically and mentally. I feel this will open my mind to possibilities and thoughts that I have perhaps buried in my fast pace. You don't have to read a book or see a movie to spur on this self reflection, but you do have to find a quiet place where you can "just be". This may not be easy but it is so necessary to your personal peace of mind.
Staying on the go is the path of least resistance when it comes to self discovery. Being quiet with yourself can be uncomfortable. When is the last time you were quiet enough to center yourself and focus only on your breathing? Clear your mind. I commit to this time this weekend and I am doing it for me! I am worth the quiet time. I know you are as well!
I plan to reread the above mentioned book this weekend and let myself rest both physically and mentally. I feel this will open my mind to possibilities and thoughts that I have perhaps buried in my fast pace. You don't have to read a book or see a movie to spur on this self reflection, but you do have to find a quiet place where you can "just be". This may not be easy but it is so necessary to your personal peace of mind.
Staying on the go is the path of least resistance when it comes to self discovery. Being quiet with yourself can be uncomfortable. When is the last time you were quiet enough to center yourself and focus only on your breathing? Clear your mind. I commit to this time this weekend and I am doing it for me! I am worth the quiet time. I know you are as well!
Friday, August 13, 2010
My cohorts don't like the term "old". I turn the "big 50" this year and got my AARP letter in the mail a few months ago. Age has never been a big concern for me except when I wanted my drivers license! I say bring on the discounts. LOL
I am not insinuating that any number is old only that with each year that goes by....things change. Now, people call me "maam" and offer me a level of respect that I did not get when I was 25. Now, I admit to more aches, but I could do something about that in the way of daily exercise! Now, I am more comfortable in my own skin than I have ever been. Now, I laugh more at road rage than involve myself in it. Now, I am comfortable by myself. In fact, I require it to keep my sanity. Fortunately, Henry likes his own space as well!
I think I like my age because I have continued to push myself to learn new things. I embrace change because I know it stretches a particular muscle (brain) I need to use. I know you can learn no matter your chronological age, but you must be willing. It is not enough to say it, you must have the courage to do it. Yes, you might fail, but who cares? You are old enough to know better, right?
With age comes wisdom (hopefully), it also affords you the freedom to reach without worrying about what people think.
So Friends, the lesson today from the Coach's Daughter is this...Go for it! Try something new today. Take a new direction to your favorite book store or try something new on the menu! Any "dog" can learn new tricks no matter what their age is.
I am not insinuating that any number is old only that with each year that goes by....things change. Now, people call me "maam" and offer me a level of respect that I did not get when I was 25. Now, I admit to more aches, but I could do something about that in the way of daily exercise! Now, I am more comfortable in my own skin than I have ever been. Now, I laugh more at road rage than involve myself in it. Now, I am comfortable by myself. In fact, I require it to keep my sanity. Fortunately, Henry likes his own space as well!
I think I like my age because I have continued to push myself to learn new things. I embrace change because I know it stretches a particular muscle (brain) I need to use. I know you can learn no matter your chronological age, but you must be willing. It is not enough to say it, you must have the courage to do it. Yes, you might fail, but who cares? You are old enough to know better, right?
With age comes wisdom (hopefully), it also affords you the freedom to reach without worrying about what people think.
So Friends, the lesson today from the Coach's Daughter is this...Go for it! Try something new today. Take a new direction to your favorite book store or try something new on the menu! Any "dog" can learn new tricks no matter what their age is.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
The Tortoise or The Hare?
We all know this story.Depending on your personality, you probably resemble either the tortoise or the hare in life. Some days I am not sure which one makes the most sense so I threw it out to my FaceBook friends the other day. "Small step or big leap?" was all I had to say and I had numerous opinions about the pace of the race.
The different responses filled me with satisfaction since I realized there was not a correct answer only unique opinions. One of my friends said, "It depends." How true! I guess today's post is about patience and acceptance.
What do I mean? I tend to get anxious and impatient when I want to take action. How about you? I work everyday to step back and evaluate without losing the importance of taking action. There are times when you simply must breathe and accept "no answer" yet to whatever question lies in front of you. This does not mean something good isn't taking place. Acceptance leads to serenity.
The Coach has an unwavering faith in God. He relies on it daily in order to maintain a rosy viewpoint of life. Some might say he only sees the good in people and this is not realistic. I, on the other hand, appreciate the beauty and good my Dad sees every day. His acceptance allows this in his life. Now this does not mean he is happy every moment, but he certainly feels at peace in his own skin. It is wonderful to witness.
Today's Lesson from the Coach's Daughter is...Work to be patient without losing your drive and give yourself permission to accept something if you don't feel the timing is right to take action. Meditate about it and I am certain the right answer will become apparent to you. You will then know whether to run the race like the tortoise or the hare!
The different responses filled me with satisfaction since I realized there was not a correct answer only unique opinions. One of my friends said, "It depends." How true! I guess today's post is about patience and acceptance.
What do I mean? I tend to get anxious and impatient when I want to take action. How about you? I work everyday to step back and evaluate without losing the importance of taking action. There are times when you simply must breathe and accept "no answer" yet to whatever question lies in front of you. This does not mean something good isn't taking place. Acceptance leads to serenity.
The Coach has an unwavering faith in God. He relies on it daily in order to maintain a rosy viewpoint of life. Some might say he only sees the good in people and this is not realistic. I, on the other hand, appreciate the beauty and good my Dad sees every day. His acceptance allows this in his life. Now this does not mean he is happy every moment, but he certainly feels at peace in his own skin. It is wonderful to witness.
Today's Lesson from the Coach's Daughter is...Work to be patient without losing your drive and give yourself permission to accept something if you don't feel the timing is right to take action. Meditate about it and I am certain the right answer will become apparent to you. You will then know whether to run the race like the tortoise or the hare!
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Monday, July 26, 2010
Lord of the Rings
Do you sometimes feel like you have the burden of the "middle earth" on your shoulders? Frodo (the hobbit) bore the weight of the ring until he relinquished it to the fires of the middle earth. The real estate industry can be heavy and cumbersome at times, however, "Frodos" are always around to help ease the burden.
My post today revolves around asking for help. A crucial part of communication is asking questions and listening. I realized this past week that once in a while I must ask the same questions over and over again to find my solutions. It can be quite frustrating, but absolutely necessary! On the recieving end, I may be percieved as pushy or dogmatic. All I know is that you can move mountains by asking questions a lot.
My Dad, the Coach, is on the phone a lot. He listens and then will pose a question and wait. It is very effective (sometimes intimidating, but effective). A leader in any job, career, sales transaction, etc...solves problems. You may represent a client in buying a home, but solving problems and handling the processes are really what you are being paid for. Do you have a list of questions you ask in every situation? Are you prepared for those scenarios by checking and rechecking?
Asking for help is hard for me. I learn every day the importance of seeking assistance both professionally and personally. We are so much more successful in life working together rather than singularly. It is humbling to see the response one gets by reaching out from an honest place in your mind and heart. I hope this message finds a small corner in your heart that encourages you to ask for help. You must be prepared to work and give real effort, in order for the assistance to bear fruit.
Today's Lesson from the Coach's Daughter is... Ask lots of questions as many times as necessary and to as many people as necessary to find your solutions. Don't give up. People will respond to your sincere pleas for help. They will work with you for success! Do you have your list of questions ready for the many differenct scenarios you will encounter in today in real estate?
My post today revolves around asking for help. A crucial part of communication is asking questions and listening. I realized this past week that once in a while I must ask the same questions over and over again to find my solutions. It can be quite frustrating, but absolutely necessary! On the recieving end, I may be percieved as pushy or dogmatic. All I know is that you can move mountains by asking questions a lot.
My Dad, the Coach, is on the phone a lot. He listens and then will pose a question and wait. It is very effective (sometimes intimidating, but effective). A leader in any job, career, sales transaction, etc...solves problems. You may represent a client in buying a home, but solving problems and handling the processes are really what you are being paid for. Do you have a list of questions you ask in every situation? Are you prepared for those scenarios by checking and rechecking?
Asking for help is hard for me. I learn every day the importance of seeking assistance both professionally and personally. We are so much more successful in life working together rather than singularly. It is humbling to see the response one gets by reaching out from an honest place in your mind and heart. I hope this message finds a small corner in your heart that encourages you to ask for help. You must be prepared to work and give real effort, in order for the assistance to bear fruit.
Today's Lesson from the Coach's Daughter is... Ask lots of questions as many times as necessary and to as many people as necessary to find your solutions. Don't give up. People will respond to your sincere pleas for help. They will work with you for success! Do you have your list of questions ready for the many differenct scenarios you will encounter in today in real estate?
Monday, July 19, 2010
Nature vs. Nurture--What side are you on?
Image by tj.blackwell via Flickr
No matter what side of the aisle you are on, you must agree that it is a conscious decision you must make to either maximize your natural gifts or simply "get by" with those gifts.
Today's Lesson from the Coach's Daughter is...Everyone is born with a gift, Use it fully to make a difference!
Friday, July 16, 2010

Some days, no I mean some weeks technology can be confounding at best and down right frightful at worst! This has been one of those frustrating weeks. I know I must roll with it and breathe. In our world today, change is inevitable. There is good stress (eustress) and bad stress (distress). All stress impacts us physically, mentally and emotionally. How we respond determines our outcome everytime!
Some exercise or garden, while others shop or knit. It is important to open your mind up to positive ways to deal with stress. Talking a walk instead of eating potato chips or reading a book versus buying spontaneously. It's all about choices. Every moment you have a choice about the next moment and what you'll do.
Mind you...I am not the smartest or the healthiest, but I do decide every moment what I will do next. So do you! Today's post started because of my frustrating week with technology and now I get to decide how I will handle that stress as my work week comes to an end. I am making a decision to laugh more, eat less, and hug as many people as I can this weekend.
What would the Coach do? He would play golf, take Belle (his chesapeake bay retriever) for a swim, go to church on Sunday, and eat a small bowl of ice cream after dinner. He understands how to deal with his stress!
Life's Lesson from the Coach's Daughter is...You have choices, no matter what and where you are in life. They may not be big decisions, but they are yours. Make the most of them!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Fear Itself...
Remember the quote, "You have nothing to fear, but fear itself." How many of us walk around in fear or "analysis paralysis"? Do you plan a lot and never act on those plans? Is this because you are fearful of failure?
Activities breed activity. Brian Piccolo succeeded in his short life because he embraced his fears and moved past them. His undying sense of adventure and willingness to move kept him on everyone's radar screen.See Life Lesson #2 to read more about Brian and see the video from the movie about his life.
The Coach told me last Friday that he was beginning his rehab from surgery. He is working with weights and swimming again. "Jod, I could swim the length of the pool underwater right before my surgery and now I can only do half the pool. But, I am going to get there soon. I am not afraid to keep swimming a little further every day." (The coach is almost 80!) My Dad understands that success normally doesn't come in a big way but usually in small consistent steps. DAILY FOCUS and ACTIVITIES.
I leave this post today more committed to my own daily focus and activities. I am admitting that I can spend my time more productively and that my success will come from my own volition.
Today's Life Lesson from the Coach's Daughter is...Take one small step in the right direction today. Add another tomorrow. Commit to yourself and let go of the fear that binds you. I know you can do it!
Activities breed activity. Brian Piccolo succeeded in his short life because he embraced his fears and moved past them. His undying sense of adventure and willingness to move kept him on everyone's radar screen.See Life Lesson #2 to read more about Brian and see the video from the movie about his life.
The Coach told me last Friday that he was beginning his rehab from surgery. He is working with weights and swimming again. "Jod, I could swim the length of the pool underwater right before my surgery and now I can only do half the pool. But, I am going to get there soon. I am not afraid to keep swimming a little further every day." (The coach is almost 80!) My Dad understands that success normally doesn't come in a big way but usually in small consistent steps. DAILY FOCUS and ACTIVITIES.
I leave this post today more committed to my own daily focus and activities. I am admitting that I can spend my time more productively and that my success will come from my own volition.
Today's Life Lesson from the Coach's Daughter is...Take one small step in the right direction today. Add another tomorrow. Commit to yourself and let go of the fear that binds you. I know you can do it!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Can You Change?
We all know change is inevitable and often times stressful. We also know that change is necessary to evolve. Technology pushes us daily to embrace this mindset. I feel I have to continue to learn so I can lead effectively. With all this said, there are times to slow down, reflect, and remember. Can you remember times when a face to face in person conversation was the only kind you had? No email, texting, skype, etc... I can. Can you remember times when a written thank you note or letter was all you recieved? No email, drip campaigns, or Facebook, etc... I can.
Today's Lesson from the Coach's Daughter is...Change is necessary. Change can be good. You must embrace it and learn to grow. Remember the importance of personal touch and communication without technology. A great negotiator always will try to meet face to face in order to better read body language and overcome objections.
Your assignments today: 1. Meet face to face with someone and discuss business. See what kind of results you get. 2. Embrace change in some way and see what you can learn.
The title of today's post is "Can You Change?" The word "Can" means "are you able" while the word "May" asks permission. I believe we "Can" all learn to change and you must give yourself permission to do so.
Today's Lesson from the Coach's Daughter is...Change is necessary. Change can be good. You must embrace it and learn to grow. Remember the importance of personal touch and communication without technology. A great negotiator always will try to meet face to face in order to better read body language and overcome objections.
Your assignments today: 1. Meet face to face with someone and discuss business. See what kind of results you get. 2. Embrace change in some way and see what you can learn.
The title of today's post is "Can You Change?" The word "Can" means "are you able" while the word "May" asks permission. I believe we "Can" all learn to change and you must give yourself permission to do so.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
A Difference of Opinion..Does it Matter?
Today's lesson is about opinions. Do you have one that you like to express? How do you present your opinions? It is an inalienable right to express oneself, so I say go for it! I do, however, feel timing is everything so you should use strong communication skills to voice your opinion. Listen intently, use tact, watch your tone, and do your homework.
A conversation indicates more than one person talking and listening. I work daily on my communication skills. I believe public speaking and communication are the most vital skills in any sales career and maybe in any career! Again, I ask you "How do you present your opinions?" Winning ways are often all in the presentation!
My Dad, the Coach, is used to locker room communication. (LOL) In case you aren't familiar with that kind of is loud, focused, commanding, and hopefully, inspirational. This type of one way conversation is necessary in this scenario and perhaps in some military operations. I would suspect that these leaders have prepared by discussing their message with assistants and have done their homework completely. Sometimes teams must follow their leaders into battle against all odds.
I think a difference of opinion is healthy in most situations as long as the interaction is honest. And the leader must be prepared to listen and then make the tough calls, if necessary. An open mind is one that learns and expands. So opinions DO MATTER!
From the Coach's Daughter...Learn to communicate and then express yourself appropriately. It will benefit you personally and professionally! See how Elmer does it.
A conversation indicates more than one person talking and listening. I work daily on my communication skills. I believe public speaking and communication are the most vital skills in any sales career and maybe in any career! Again, I ask you "How do you present your opinions?" Winning ways are often all in the presentation!
My Dad, the Coach, is used to locker room communication. (LOL) In case you aren't familiar with that kind of is loud, focused, commanding, and hopefully, inspirational. This type of one way conversation is necessary in this scenario and perhaps in some military operations. I would suspect that these leaders have prepared by discussing their message with assistants and have done their homework completely. Sometimes teams must follow their leaders into battle against all odds.
I think a difference of opinion is healthy in most situations as long as the interaction is honest. And the leader must be prepared to listen and then make the tough calls, if necessary. An open mind is one that learns and expands. So opinions DO MATTER!
From the Coach's Daughter...Learn to communicate and then express yourself appropriately. It will benefit you personally and professionally! See how Elmer does it.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Just Wanna Have Fun

Let's talk fun, laughter, joy, giggles, play, etc...The Coach told me last Saturday that he felt strong enough to go to the golf course, rent a cart, and follow his cronies around for 3 or 4 holes. Mind you, he still has a neck collar on and following his buddies for 4 holes of golf in the cart may tax him a bit. The Coach wants to have some FUN! July 4th is upon us and we celebrate our Independance with family picnics, beach trips, fireworks, and reunions. Let's face it, July 4th gives us an excuse to PLAY!
There is a real business reason to discuss fun. If you enjoy what you do, then you will do it well. If you make parts of your work a game, the day to day challenges can be fun. If you participate in friendly competition at work, you laugh together and have fun. It seems having fun may not be the politically correct thing to do at work, but I am here to say, "Those that Play together...Stay together." We simply must laugh more to succeed and reach our goals. Laughter causes us to breathe and oxygen is necessary for our bodies to support our daily activities.
You can have fun anywhere anytime. Look for opportunities to laugh with someone. Make a difference today!
Today's lesson from the Coach's Daughter is...There is a difference between "distress" and "eustress". Laughter is a great reliever for both. Your challenge: Go to your Websters and look up the two words. It may help you define "fun" in your life!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Do Rules Really Suck?

I have pondered what to share with you over the last few days and it finally came to me this morning. We all have rules to follow in our world. I asked myself and now you, "Do Rules Really Suck?" I say "No" in most instances.
The Coach could not lead a winning team without rules to follow. Every successful business today has a credo or set of principles it follows. Each of our unique Faiths offers us a set of rules to follow to achieve peace.
Are rules meant to be broken? The writers of said rules would say no, but would also probably tell you that there are times when you may have to bend those guidelines. People with strong character know when to stand firm and when to bend.
I struggle today as my young nephew will have consequences for breaking the principle of telling the truth. He knows it is coming and I hope this time will make a positive difference in his young life. I know it is hard to hang tough and be firm when it is easier to ignore or overlook.
It is my humble opinion that we have overlooked too often and our young people are suffering as a result. What kind of character can we expect if we don't lead by example? What kind of human being can we hope to lead the next generation without offering that young mind solid guidance and rules. Until you understand what the rules are and accept do not know when to bend them and why it might be appropriate to do so.
Today's lesson from the Coach's Daughter is...A good set of rules does not have to be bad. Remember the "Golden Rule"?
The Coach could not lead a winning team without rules to follow. Every successful business today has a credo or set of principles it follows. Each of our unique Faiths offers us a set of rules to follow to achieve peace.
Are rules meant to be broken? The writers of said rules would say no, but would also probably tell you that there are times when you may have to bend those guidelines. People with strong character know when to stand firm and when to bend.
I struggle today as my young nephew will have consequences for breaking the principle of telling the truth. He knows it is coming and I hope this time will make a positive difference in his young life. I know it is hard to hang tough and be firm when it is easier to ignore or overlook.
It is my humble opinion that we have overlooked too often and our young people are suffering as a result. What kind of character can we expect if we don't lead by example? What kind of human being can we hope to lead the next generation without offering that young mind solid guidance and rules. Until you understand what the rules are and accept do not know when to bend them and why it might be appropriate to do so.
Today's lesson from the Coach's Daughter is...A good set of rules does not have to be bad. Remember the "Golden Rule"?
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Kick the Ball and Drag...Kick the Ball and Drag...

The Coach has always told me that it is very difficult to start too many new things at once because you lose your focus. Of course, I believed myself to be extraordinary so I disagreed with him at the time.
My story goes like this...New personal relationship, New position in real estate, New home all this happening at the same time in my life. We've all been there! I was stressed one day because the new home was great and the new job was making tracks as well. However, the new relationship was dragging. I called my Dad to vent and his response was, "Jod, you can't kick the ball and drag ________(will remain unnamed). You also can not give the attention necessary to see all three new things in your life flourish."
My lesson today is short and sweet...Do not spread yourself too thin because inevitably something will suffer. The difference between a goal and a priority is at the end of the day your completed tasks were YOUR PRIORITIES. Like it or not.
Your action today: make your list of to do's and see what was really important at the end of the day.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Life happens...What are you attracting today?
I want to begin my post today by asking you a couple of questions. When you begin your day, how do you feel? I mean "feel" in your heart and spirit. When you are driving from one location to another, what do you ponder? Are you thinking of positive ideas and dreams or simply how to get through the day...
How many realize the complete power you have at your disposal if you used just a wee bit more of your brain muscle? The Coach is a fervant believer in the law of attraction. He puts his thoughts, ideas, dreams, etc...out there consistently. In return, doors open for him that many people would find hard to fathom. Don't get me wrong...some doors close as well, but the Coach keeps throwing those passes. He knows he will connect at some level always!
To put it another way: Have you ever wanted something so badly that you started seeing that object of your desire everywhere you went??? All of sudden that little red sports car is at every stop light! You focus on something and dream of ways to get it and if you put your brain power to soon figure out a way to make that happen.
Some people have this belief in the fiber of their beings and others have to work at it daily. If you are one of those that is skeptical, I am okay with it. I would challenge you to think about it though. What do you have to lose? and Everything to gain....
The field assignment today is to decide on something you want to achieve or own. Cut out pictures of it, write it down 100 times, tape a photo of it to your bathroom mirror, etc...Keep it front of mind and focus on it daily. Let me know what happens.
Today's Life Lesson from the Coach's Daughter is...What comes out of your mouth will be.
How many realize the complete power you have at your disposal if you used just a wee bit more of your brain muscle? The Coach is a fervant believer in the law of attraction. He puts his thoughts, ideas, dreams, etc...out there consistently. In return, doors open for him that many people would find hard to fathom. Don't get me wrong...some doors close as well, but the Coach keeps throwing those passes. He knows he will connect at some level always!
To put it another way: Have you ever wanted something so badly that you started seeing that object of your desire everywhere you went??? All of sudden that little red sports car is at every stop light! You focus on something and dream of ways to get it and if you put your brain power to soon figure out a way to make that happen.
Some people have this belief in the fiber of their beings and others have to work at it daily. If you are one of those that is skeptical, I am okay with it. I would challenge you to think about it though. What do you have to lose? and Everything to gain....
The field assignment today is to decide on something you want to achieve or own. Cut out pictures of it, write it down 100 times, tape a photo of it to your bathroom mirror, etc...Keep it front of mind and focus on it daily. Let me know what happens.
Today's Life Lesson from the Coach's Daughter is...What comes out of your mouth will be.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
A Testimonial

I just got back home from a four day visit with the Coach. It was so great to see him and hold his hand. The Coach gets "cooler" every year to his daughter. We talked for 4 days solid about life, business, his health, Faith, and many other topics. It struck me Sunday morning as we sat in church service (the early one as the Coach likes the casual setting) how faithful my Dad is.
George Moore, the Pastor at West Hills Church, asked if anyone wanted to share joys or concerns. The Coach stood up and proceeded to give his tesimonial of thanks to everyone. He said, "This morning I want to thank each of you for your prayers and support during my time of need. As I laid in the hospital not sure if I would make it or not (and not sure where I might end up LOL), I realized the power of my Faith. I told God I would do anything He asked of me, if He would spare my life. So, I stand in front of you to thank you and God for the blessings poured out to me and my family." There were tears in many eyes including my own. I was so proud to be the Coach's daughter!
My friends, today's lesson from the Coach's Daughter is... Be grateful and speak up. Wake up each morning with grace and hope in your heart. We are faced with negativity and hurt regularly, but we also are blessed with many seen and unseen circumstances. Are you grateful for your circumstances today? What is your silver lining today?
Call to action: Make your Gratitude List today. Try this everyday for one month. See how it makes you feel. Remember, "what comes out of your mouth will be."
George Moore, the Pastor at West Hills Church, asked if anyone wanted to share joys or concerns. The Coach stood up and proceeded to give his tesimonial of thanks to everyone. He said, "This morning I want to thank each of you for your prayers and support during my time of need. As I laid in the hospital not sure if I would make it or not (and not sure where I might end up LOL), I realized the power of my Faith. I told God I would do anything He asked of me, if He would spare my life. So, I stand in front of you to thank you and God for the blessings poured out to me and my family." There were tears in many eyes including my own. I was so proud to be the Coach's daughter!
My friends, today's lesson from the Coach's Daughter is... Be grateful and speak up. Wake up each morning with grace and hope in your heart. We are faced with negativity and hurt regularly, but we also are blessed with many seen and unseen circumstances. Are you grateful for your circumstances today? What is your silver lining today?
Call to action: Make your Gratitude List today. Try this everyday for one month. See how it makes you feel. Remember, "what comes out of your mouth will be."
Monday, June 14, 2010
How Important is Delegation?
According to, "delegation" means a body or group that represents the interests of another and says "delegation" means assignment or appointment of responsibility. A great coach must know the difference and when to apply both meanings of the word.
My Dad, the Coach, would send a "delegation" to scout new players for his teams. He also "delegated" offensive, defensive, and special teams practice and planning to capable assistant coaches. The delegate that recruits is as important as the commitment to delegated responsibilities by assistant coaches!
So what's my point today...In real estate sales the successful professional must know who they can trust to be a delegate and who they can trust to delegate responsibilities. It requires a capable team in today's industry to accomplish everything our client needs to succeed in reaching their goals. You must have technology, education/training, marketing, business development, and risk reduction support from your team. This seems overwhelming when reading it right now, but a logical evaluation of your business and "delegation" should answer the question: Do I have the "Delegation" I need and the confidence to "Delegate" to them?
Today's Lesson from the Coach's Daughter is...Understand no person is an island. In order to succeed in real estate today, you must understand what delegation means. You must make strong business decisions about the team that supports you. As the leader of your real estate business, you must have confidence in yourself and your delegation! Not sure about this..Email me and we'll discuss it!
Call to action today: Make a list today. Who makes up your professional delegation and how do you delegate to them?
Thursday, June 10, 2010
X's and O's
How many of you have a game plan each day, each week, etc...? I learned in no uncertain terms to have a plan in order to achieve my objective. The Coach says, "How can you decide whether to punt or go for it, if you don't have a plan already in your mind?"
A plan allows you to be more flexible because you have thought through what "might happen". A good attorney does not ask any question that she does not already know the answer. A good coach attempts to figure out every play necessary to win. A great real estate agent knows what their marketing plan is to grow their business and how they will market their product. As conditions change, the "plan" allows for adjustments or "tweeking".
Many of us fly by the seat of our pants every day. Don't get me wrong...spontaneity is wonderful at the right time and for the right occasion. Typically, not in business or sports!
Life Lesson #11 from the Coach's Daughter is...No matter how elementary your plan is, it gives you a road map to follow that day. It helps you focus and prioritze. Do you have a game plan today?
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Fast Freddie Summers
Today's lesson centers around a young man named Freddie Summers. Freddie was born in South Carolina in 1947. He was talented and "fast"! My Dad, the Coach, recruited Freddie to Wake Forest University. Wake Forest, Freddie, and the Coach made history that year. Freddie was the first african american footlball player recruited to the ACC conference back in the 60's!
The Coach was enthralled with Freddie. He was amazed at all the talent in some of these small southern towns and the last thing on the Coach's mind was race. He wanted to put together a team that could win games and make the university proud! Freddie went on to set records at WFU before he was drafted to the Cleveland Browns. His career was short in the pros, but he sure did leave his mark.
I am proud of my Dad's character and desire to do right. He did not just talk the talk, he walked the walk at a difficult time in our history.
My friends, the lesson today from the Coach's Daughter is...Don't just say you will do the right thing. Your life is not a dress rehearsal. Do the right thing!
The Coach was enthralled with Freddie. He was amazed at all the talent in some of these small southern towns and the last thing on the Coach's mind was race. He wanted to put together a team that could win games and make the university proud! Freddie went on to set records at WFU before he was drafted to the Cleveland Browns. His career was short in the pros, but he sure did leave his mark.
I am proud of my Dad's character and desire to do right. He did not just talk the talk, he walked the walk at a difficult time in our history.
My friends, the lesson today from the Coach's Daughter is...Don't just say you will do the right thing. Your life is not a dress rehearsal. Do the right thing!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Hit The Back Wall? What Does It Mean To You?
The Coach taught me to play racquetball as a young adult. I must tell you that a coach teaches their kid the same way they teach a player how to run a new play. No mercy! My Dad illustrated the basics of the game and I felt pretty good about my accomplishments until he said he wanted to show me how to hit the back wall.
Let me explain. In racquetball, one will serve the ball to the front wall of the enclosed court and the other player then hits the ball again towards the front wall. The players will volley this way until one scores. The ball can bounce off any of the walls as long as each player hits it at the appropriate time. Well, the Coach served the ball off the front wall and proceeded to hit it so hard it flew over my head and hit the floor inches in front of the back wall! I was supposed to hit the ball! Needless to say, I stood there in amazement as my Dad laughed and told me to keep my eye on the ball and stay light on my feet. I am not sure I ever got that move in this pounding sport but I learned a big lesson that day.
First, I grabbed the notion that my target was not always in front of me and I sometimes had to wait for it. Secondly, I understood that the Coach was going to hold me to the same high standard he did any of his young athletes.
So my friends, Life Lesson #9 from the Coach's Daughter is...When setting a goal, know your surroundings and see the bigger picture. Remember the bulls eye may not be in front of you. Stay focused on the goal and flexible in your actions (light on your feet). The ball may whiz by you so you must be prepared to swing. Don't worry if you miss. Keep aiming and swinging and exercising patience, if necessary. You'll make contact!
Check out the video:
Let me explain. In racquetball, one will serve the ball to the front wall of the enclosed court and the other player then hits the ball again towards the front wall. The players will volley this way until one scores. The ball can bounce off any of the walls as long as each player hits it at the appropriate time. Well, the Coach served the ball off the front wall and proceeded to hit it so hard it flew over my head and hit the floor inches in front of the back wall! I was supposed to hit the ball! Needless to say, I stood there in amazement as my Dad laughed and told me to keep my eye on the ball and stay light on my feet. I am not sure I ever got that move in this pounding sport but I learned a big lesson that day.
First, I grabbed the notion that my target was not always in front of me and I sometimes had to wait for it. Secondly, I understood that the Coach was going to hold me to the same high standard he did any of his young athletes.
So my friends, Life Lesson #9 from the Coach's Daughter is...When setting a goal, know your surroundings and see the bigger picture. Remember the bulls eye may not be in front of you. Stay focused on the goal and flexible in your actions (light on your feet). The ball may whiz by you so you must be prepared to swing. Don't worry if you miss. Keep aiming and swinging and exercising patience, if necessary. You'll make contact!
Check out the video:
Friday, June 4, 2010
Pump Up the Music and your Attitude
We have decided to make June "Pump Up the Music" and Your Attitude month at our company. I would normally be telling a story about the Coach and a life lesson, don't worry it will come back around in this post. Anyway, the real estate industry has been so tough the last 2 years that we discuss ways to keep all our folks "pumped up" and focused just about weekly. Fortunately, May was a much better month in real estate and we are cautiously optimistic about the next quarter.
As a leader in a real estate company, I see the above mentioned as one of my primary responsibilities. The team looks to it's leader in good times and especially in bad ones! What do you do during these times? Do you look for creative ways to solve problems or do you complain and blame? You see, I believe each of us in real estate sales is the leader of our own business.
The Coach came to Wake Forest University back in the early 60's. He was faced with many challenges in recruiting players that could meet the university's academic standards and the atheletic expectations he had for his team. My Dad decided that there were many deserving kids that were not on the radar screens of some of the ACC's bigger schools. They were not the biggest or the fastest but their willingness to give 100% for the team was unparalleled. These young players would have followed the Coach into fire because he told them they would play and they would win. This recruiting method worked and Wake Forest had a winning season that year and my Dad was ACC Coach of the Year.
You must note that the Coach did not complain or blame, but found solutions. He surrounded himself with thinking people that did not give up. Refer back to Lesson #2.
Life Lesson #9 is...Be the leader of your business. Look for solutions instead of excuses. Hang out with positive, proactive people and you will succeed no matter what the market conditions may be!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Life Lesson #8 from the Coach's Daughter
It is June 2, 2010 and I am amazed at how fast this year has sped by me. I want to tell you about my Grandpa Tate today. He was a teacher and then a salesman until well into his 90's. Grandpa had a homemade open air closet constructed out on his sun porch to keep all his marketing gadget inventory. He kept this under lock and key and of course it is the only place in the house that any of his grandchildren wanted to go and explore. Grandpa would invite us to the porch and he would unlock the door. He would crack the door open just wide enough to slide in and rummage around for a magical prize. It would be a pencil or some other widget that your company name could be printed on. He really understood early on about marketing and the excitement you must create to attract attention.
Grandpa would explain to me why this pencil was the best pencil in the world and why his job was very important. He never did let me into that closet and I believe that was done intentionally. He wanted me to wonder what other magical things were hidden in there. He knew I would crawl up in his lap and beg to get a glimpse! He would laugh really big and we would move on to something else (like who was winning the baseball game). These were special memories for me. I now understand how skilled Grandpa was at selling.
Today's Life Lesson From the Coach's Daughter is...If your job is sales, then you must create mystery, romance, excitement and then showcase value! If you reach out to enough people and tell the story with confidence, integrity, and humor you will build the rapport you need to sell your value and that of your product. Good luck! and thanks Grandpa:o)
Grandpa would explain to me why this pencil was the best pencil in the world and why his job was very important. He never did let me into that closet and I believe that was done intentionally. He wanted me to wonder what other magical things were hidden in there. He knew I would crawl up in his lap and beg to get a glimpse! He would laugh really big and we would move on to something else (like who was winning the baseball game). These were special memories for me. I now understand how skilled Grandpa was at selling.
Today's Life Lesson From the Coach's Daughter is...If your job is sales, then you must create mystery, romance, excitement and then showcase value! If you reach out to enough people and tell the story with confidence, integrity, and humor you will build the rapport you need to sell your value and that of your product. Good luck! and thanks Grandpa:o)
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Life Lesson #7 From the Coach's Daughter
I realized some of my previous life lessons have been either sentimental or serious, so I wanted to share a story with you today that should make you laugh out loud. By the way, there is a clear lesson at the end of the tale! My Dad, the Coach comes from a large family of 4 boys and 3 girls. As you might imagine, at mealtimes things could get a little hairy as everyone grabbed for a chicken leg or a piece of pie. The Coach told me a story last Thanksgiving about one meal in particular where interaction became quite raucous! Grandma Tate would put the food out and everyone would begin to grab. If you happened to get up from your seat then you were out of luck. it comes...Uncle Reg had to go the bathroom just as dessert was brought to the table. As he looked around the table at his siblings, trust was not the first word that came to mind! So Uncle Reg did what any hungry boy would do...he got his slice of pie and proceeded to lick the whole thing and then calmly got up from the table. Nobody dared eat his pie! LOL O:)
Now the really ironic thing about this Tate story is Uncle Reg went on to marry Aunt Lil whose family operated a large bakery since 1927. Uncle Reg and his family have worked baking pies, cakes and all sorts of goodies for many many years in Pittsburgh Pa. I guess he decided he needed to keep all those pastries close by in case there was an emergency or someone got up to go the bathroom!
Today's life lesson is...Don't be afraid to try something different, if met with a problem or challenge. You may have the perfect answer right on the tip of your tongue! And if you are in Pittsburgh, stop by and visit Potomac Bakery.
Now the really ironic thing about this Tate story is Uncle Reg went on to marry Aunt Lil whose family operated a large bakery since 1927. Uncle Reg and his family have worked baking pies, cakes and all sorts of goodies for many many years in Pittsburgh Pa. I guess he decided he needed to keep all those pastries close by in case there was an emergency or someone got up to go the bathroom!
Today's life lesson is...Don't be afraid to try something different, if met with a problem or challenge. You may have the perfect answer right on the tip of your tongue! And if you are in Pittsburgh, stop by and visit Potomac Bakery.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Special Weekend in May
My Dad is recovering a very long surgery today and as I think about the past, I would be remisce if I did not recognize the many sacrifices made by our service men and women. I learn from my Dad and Mom every day. We should remember the wisdom and lessons showcased by those that traveled before us. The doors that were opened and the glass ceilings smashed...none of this without the courage of those before us.
So my friends, Life Lesson #7 From the Coach's Daughter is...Study the past, Live in the present, Plan for the future. I wish a safe Memorial holiday to All!
So my friends, Life Lesson #7 From the Coach's Daughter is...Study the past, Live in the present, Plan for the future. I wish a safe Memorial holiday to All!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Life Lesson #6 From the Coach's Daughter
Good morning All! I started the day today by calling my Dad. He is having surgery and it will be lengthy one. Rightfully, he is feeling anxious and I wanted to remind him of the fighting, positive Tate spirit I inherited. He chuckled and said, "I need to pull myself up out of this, don't I?" I confirmed that he did, but I also told him pain and anxiety could wreck havoc on the strongest of mortals. I will ask you to say a prayer for the Coach today. I know he will feel your warm thoughts.
So the Life Lesson today is...People do care. Don't be afraid to ask for help and kind words.
P.S. This is a hard one for me and I work to remind myself regularly.
So the Life Lesson today is...People do care. Don't be afraid to ask for help and kind words.
P.S. This is a hard one for me and I work to remind myself regularly.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Life Lesson #5 From the Coach's Daughter
My thoughts today revolve around PRACTICE. As the Coach always said, "Jod, you'll never feel good about something you are trying to accomplish unless you practice the skill over and over again." The Coach obviously took part in many football practices, but he also practiced many sports over the years that he then would excel in.
I will never forget the phone call I recieved a few years ago from my Dad. He was unusually animated on the phone. I learned that the round of golf he just finished included a hole in one. Not bad for someone in their 70's! The Coach still shoots in the 70's today and he will be 80 years old next year.
So my friends, the Life Lesson From the Coach's Daughter is...To truly succeed at anything, you must know how to do it and then PRACTICE it (Sometimes until you are ready to drop). Do you strive to be excellent or average?
Check out one of the best practicing:
Monday, May 24, 2010
Life Lesson #4 From the Coach's Daughter

We need to be really clear about sports and the Tate family. Anything can qualify as sport, it does not require a ball. The Tate brothers/sisters love to play Bridge, the card game. I remember witnessing a game played in the hotel room of a Holiday Inn in Mattoon Illinois at an annual family reunion. The Coach was partnered with my Uncle Reg and Uncle Dickie and Aunt Vie were a duo. I was mesmerized at the skill and the negotiation that went on through out the game. Did I mention the brutal talking across the table that also accompanied each hand? This was meant to throw each person off their game and distract their focus. The Tates do not compete gently! LOL :O)
I don't remember who won that game and that is not what is important. It was the competition and comraderie that took place that matters. No need for laws or referees, each person in the game knew the boundaries, but did not hesitate to push them. Come to think of it, I think Aunt Vie and Uncle Dickie won because Aunt Vie danced on the bed at age 85!
So this Life Lesson from the Coach's Daughter is...When it comes to negotiations; know your opponents, know your game, and know when to push the limit or walk away.
Life Lesson #3 From the Coach's Daughter
A couple of years back, Wake Forest organized a reunion of all the football players that played under my Dad during his years there. The reunion was held at the new Bridger Field House and it was quite a weekend. Players came in from all over the country to reconnect, remember, and pay tribute to the school and the Coach. I was honored to meet these guys and listen to their stories. I will share more of them with you in the coming months. Today, I want to tell you about the "power" of the room that night. When I say "power", you must visualize round tables surrounded by people talking and laughing out loud. Football players don't do anything quietly when in a group together! One by one they would come to the podium to share their unique experience at WFU and with the teams the Coach lead. There was hearty laughter and poking fun at the Coach, but there was also tears (not of sadness, but of memories). I realized the "power" of the room that evening. These men had all accomplished much and all there understood the "power" of reconnecting. I heard some astounding stories that night. You must remember we were back in a time (1963-1968) when the climate was tumultous. I was so proud to hear how the Coach lead the way during these times at WFU. As I share these life lessons with you, more will unfold that I feel is important to remember. I hope these stories will inspire you to make a difference in one person's life.
So Life Lesson #3 From the Coach's Daughter is...Realize the "power" in a room. When you attend a function, reconnect with those in the room or reach out to those you do not know. Reconnect, Remember, and Reach Out. It will be good for your soul and your business!
So Life Lesson #3 From the Coach's Daughter is...Realize the "power" in a room. When you attend a function, reconnect with those in the room or reach out to those you do not know. Reconnect, Remember, and Reach Out. It will be good for your soul and your business!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Life Lesson #2 From the Coach's Daughter
Today's lesson is an emotional one for me. I want to talk to you about Brian Piccolo. Many of you may not know who Brian was, but I am sure you have heard of the movie "Brian's Song". My Dad, the Coach recruited and coached Brian at Wake Forest University. Brian went on to play for the Chicago Bears before he died at the very young age of 26 from cancer. I was a young child at the time and have vague but fond memories of Brian house sitting for us when we would go out of town as a family. The Coach would tell me for years after Brian's death about his courage and heart. Brian Piccolo was not the most recruited college player or the most sought after professional player, but he left his mark and this world a better place.
So guys...Lesson #2 From the Coach's Daughter is ...When you are fearful, acknowledge your fear and push through it. In most instances, fear comes from a lack of understanding or knowledge. Voice it, practice it, and learn from it. People will respect you for this effort. Have fun today!
Check out a clip from Brian's Song about courage:
So guys...Lesson #2 From the Coach's Daughter is ...When you are fearful, acknowledge your fear and push through it. In most instances, fear comes from a lack of understanding or knowledge. Voice it, practice it, and learn from it. People will respect you for this effort. Have fun today!
Check out a clip from Brian's Song about courage:
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Lesson #1 From the Coach
I learned at a very early age from my dad ,the Coach, that you show up every day and you focus. My Dad grew up in large midwestern family where the boys all played sports with gusto and determination. Daddy excelled in any sport with a ball. My Grandfather loved to talk about his boys to anyone that would listen in their small town of Mattoon, Illinois. Anyway, back to lesson #1... Sports teach you humility and instill drive. My dad the Coach raised me the same way he played sports with gusto and determination. Somedays it made me cry or laugh, but it always made me stronger and better as a person.
So Life Lesson #1 from the Coach's Daughter is Show Up Every Day and Act with Gusto and Determination.
By the way, go watch the coach in action at
1952 Rose Bowl Most Valuable Player
So Life Lesson #1 from the Coach's Daughter is Show Up Every Day and Act with Gusto and Determination.
By the way, go watch the coach in action at
1952 Rose Bowl Most Valuable Player
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