More Stuff

Monday, June 21, 2010

Life happens...What are you attracting today?

I want to begin my post today by asking you a couple of questions. When you begin your day, how do you feel? I mean "feel" in your heart and spirit. When you are driving from one location to another, what do you ponder? Are you thinking of positive ideas and dreams or simply how to get through the day...

How many realize the complete power you have at your disposal if you used just a wee bit more of your brain muscle? The Coach is a fervant believer in the law of attraction. He puts his thoughts, ideas, dreams, etc...out there consistently. In return, doors open for him that many people would find hard to fathom. Don't get me wrong...some doors close as well, but the Coach keeps throwing those passes. He knows he will connect at some level always!

To put it another way: Have you ever wanted something so badly that you started seeing that object of your desire everywhere you went??? All of sudden that little red sports car is at every stop light! You focus on something and dream of ways to get it and if you put your brain power to soon figure out a way to make that happen.

Some people have this belief in the fiber of their beings and others have to work at it daily. If you are one of those that is skeptical, I am okay with it. I would challenge you to think about it though. What do you have to lose? and Everything to gain....

The field assignment today is to decide on something you want to achieve or own. Cut out pictures of it, write it down 100 times, tape a photo of it to your bathroom mirror, etc...Keep it front of mind and focus on it daily. Let me know what happens.

Today's Life Lesson from the Coach's Daughter is...What comes out of your mouth will be.

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