Image by tj.blackwell via Flickr
The age old argument,Nature vs. Nurture,which side are you on? My nephew asked me if he was a genius this weekend? I chuckled and told him, "God gave you a good brain and strong innate intelligence." He asked what "innate' meant. Good question....That brought us to the difference between "born with" and "what you learn".I believe you are born with strong tendencies to something, but you must cultivate the tendency in order to be genius at it! Some of us are naturally gifted at speaking publically, but are genius at it only after practicing and learning advanced skills. Others, like the Coach, are natural athletes. My Dad would argue that hard work and repetition made him a rose bowl hall of famer. I support that notion, but would also suggest that he was born with a God given talent.
No matter what side of the aisle you are on, you must agree that it is a conscious decision you must make to either maximize your natural gifts or simply "get by" with those gifts.
Today's Lesson from the Coach's Daughter is...Everyone is born with a gift, Use it fully to make a difference!