More Stuff

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Getting to the finish line...

I realized today how easy it is to put things off in favor of the easy way out. Most humans will take the path of least resistance, whenever possible. I have done so today by choice, but I want tomorrow to be a different course of action. I don't want to say it...I want to do it!

I know it is up to me (and no one else) to take those steps forward. As I plan my day tomorrow, I recognize that I tend to schedule too much, so I will focus on a couple of important objectives. I have to remind myself that whatever I accomplish by the end of the day was in fact most important to me. Priorities versus goals. Goals are that which I set my mind to do, while priorities are what I actually accomplish. This concept can be eye opening, if you track it for several days.

Sometimes finishing several small tasks can offer a most satisfying feeling, particularly, if you mark them off your list as you complete them. I am visual so making a list and ticking the items off the list is gratifying. In today's economic climate, it is easy to slide into poor, non productive habits because we say to ourselves, "What difference does it make? It will be the same tomorrow." Often it is hard to notice progress when you are not looking for achievements no matter how substantial. I must remember to look for these opportunities to feel good about meeting my objectives and those of my coworkers.

I must plan my day and work my plan. It sounds easy, but requires commitment. You see, it is my belief if you have a strong plan that is reasonable and relevant then you will have flexibility to change when necessary. Your plan leaves that room to adjust. I've watched several agents have more successful years in this economy that ever before, it is because they adapted their plan and committed to meeting daily objectives. They put fear aside and did not take the easy way out and they realized it was up to them and no one else to succeed. They inspire me and make me proud.

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