Some days, no I mean some weeks technology can be confounding at best and down right frightful at worst! This has been one of those frustrating weeks. I know I must roll with it and breathe. In our world today, change is inevitable. There is good stress (eustress) and bad stress (distress). All stress impacts us physically, mentally and emotionally. How we respond determines our outcome everytime!
Some exercise or garden, while others shop or knit. It is important to open your mind up to positive ways to deal with stress. Talking a walk instead of eating potato chips or reading a book versus buying spontaneously. It's all about choices. Every moment you have a choice about the next moment and what you'll do.
Mind you...I am not the smartest or the healthiest, but I do decide every moment what I will do next. So do you! Today's post started because of my frustrating week with technology and now I get to decide how I will handle that stress as my work week comes to an end. I am making a decision to laugh more, eat less, and hug as many people as I can this weekend.
What would the Coach do? He would play golf, take Belle (his chesapeake bay retriever) for a swim, go to church on Sunday, and eat a small bowl of ice cream after dinner. He understands how to deal with his stress!
Life's Lesson from the Coach's Daughter is...You have choices, no matter what and where you are in life. They may not be big decisions, but they are yours. Make the most of them!