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Monday, June 7, 2010

Hit The Back Wall? What Does It Mean To You?

The Coach taught me to play racquetball as a young adult. I must tell you that a coach teaches their kid the same way they teach a player how to run a new play. No mercy! My Dad illustrated the basics of the game and I felt pretty good about my accomplishments until he said he wanted to show me how to hit the back wall.

Let me explain. In racquetball, one will serve the ball to the front wall of the enclosed court and the other player then hits the ball again towards the front wall. The players will volley this way until one scores. The ball can bounce off any of the walls as long as each player hits it at the appropriate time. Well, the Coach served the ball off the front wall and proceeded to hit it so hard it flew over my head and hit the floor inches in front of the back wall! I was supposed to hit the ball! Needless to say, I stood there in amazement as my Dad laughed and told me to keep my eye on the ball and stay light on my feet. I am not sure I ever got that move in this pounding sport but I learned a big lesson that day.

First, I grabbed the notion that my target was not always in front of me and I sometimes had to wait for it. Secondly, I understood that the Coach was going to hold me to the same high standard he did any of his young athletes.

So my friends, Life Lesson #9 from the Coach's Daughter is...When setting a goal, know your surroundings and see the bigger picture. Remember the bulls eye may not be in front of you. Stay focused on the goal and flexible in your actions (light on your feet). The ball may whiz by you so you must be prepared to swing. Don't worry if you miss. Keep aiming and swinging and exercising patience, if necessary. You'll make contact!

Check out the video:

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