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Monday, June 14, 2010

How Important is Delegation?

According to, "delegation" means a body or group that represents the interests of another and says "delegation" means assignment or appointment of responsibility. A great coach must know the difference and when to apply both meanings of the word.

My Dad, the Coach, would send a "delegation" to scout new players for his teams. He also "delegated" offensive, defensive, and special teams practice and planning to capable assistant coaches. The delegate that recruits is as important as the commitment to delegated responsibilities by assistant coaches!

So what's my point today...In real estate sales the successful professional must know who they can trust to be a delegate and who they can trust to delegate responsibilities. It requires a capable team in today's industry to accomplish everything our client needs to succeed in reaching their goals. You must have technology, education/training, marketing, business development, and risk reduction support from your team. This seems overwhelming when reading it right now, but a logical evaluation of your business and "delegation" should answer the question: Do I have the "Delegation" I need and the confidence to "Delegate" to them?

Today's Lesson from the Coach's Daughter is...Understand no person is an island. In order to succeed in real estate today, you must understand what delegation means. You must make strong business decisions about the team that supports you. As the leader of your real estate business, you must have confidence in yourself and your delegation! Not sure about this..Email me and we'll discuss it!

Call to action today: Make a list today. Who makes up your professional delegation and how do you delegate to them?

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