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Monday, May 24, 2010

Life Lesson #3 From the Coach's Daughter

A couple of years back, Wake Forest organized a reunion of all the football players that played under my Dad during his years there. The reunion was held at the new Bridger Field House and it was quite a weekend. Players came in from all over the country to reconnect, remember, and pay tribute to the school and the Coach. I was honored to meet these guys and listen to their stories. I will share more of them with you in the coming months. Today, I want to tell you about the "power" of the room that night. When I say "power", you must visualize round tables surrounded by people talking and laughing out loud. Football players don't do anything quietly when in a group together! One by one they would come to the podium to share their unique experience at WFU and with the teams the Coach lead. There was hearty laughter and poking fun at the Coach, but there was also tears (not of sadness, but of memories). I realized the "power" of the room that evening. These men had all accomplished much and all there understood the "power" of reconnecting. I heard some astounding stories that night. You must remember we were back in a time (1963-1968) when the climate was tumultous. I was so proud to hear how the Coach lead the way during these times at WFU. As I share these life lessons with you, more will unfold that I feel is important to remember. I hope these stories will inspire you to make a difference in one person's life.

So Life Lesson #3 From the Coach's Daughter is...Realize the "power" in a room. When you attend a function, reconnect with those in the room or reach out to those you do not know. Reconnect, Remember, and Reach Out. It will be good for your soul and your business!

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