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Friday, May 21, 2010

Life Lesson #2 From the Coach's Daughter

Today's lesson is an emotional one for me. I want to talk to you about Brian Piccolo. Many of you may not know who Brian was, but I am sure you have heard of the movie "Brian's Song". My Dad, the Coach recruited and coached Brian at Wake Forest University. Brian went on to play for the Chicago Bears before he died at the very young age of 26 from cancer. I was a young child at the time and have vague but fond memories of Brian house sitting for us when we would go out of town as a family. The Coach would tell me for years after Brian's death about his courage and heart. Brian Piccolo was not the most recruited college player or the most sought after professional player, but he left his mark and this world a better place.

So guys...Lesson #2 From the Coach's Daughter is ...When you are fearful, acknowledge your fear and push through it. In most instances, fear comes from a lack of understanding or knowledge. Voice it, practice it, and learn from it. People will respect you for this effort. Have fun today!

Check out a clip from Brian's Song about courage:

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Lesson #1 From the Coach

I learned at a very early age from my dad ,the Coach, that you show up every day and you focus. My Dad grew up in large midwestern family where the boys all played sports with gusto and determination. Daddy excelled in any sport with a ball. My Grandfather loved to talk about his boys to anyone that would listen in their small town of Mattoon, Illinois. Anyway, back to lesson #1... Sports teach you humility and instill drive. My dad the Coach raised me the same way he played sports with gusto and determination. Somedays it made me cry or laugh, but it always made me stronger and better as a person.

So Life Lesson #1 from the Coach's Daughter is Show Up Every Day and Act with Gusto and Determination.

By the way, go watch the coach in action at
1952 Rose Bowl Most Valuable Player