More Stuff

Friday, August 20, 2010

There are times when you must...

I am one of those people that will go until I am exhausted. Are you? With all the talk about the movie, "Eat,Pray,Love" it begs to be asked...Do you need to rest and search your soul? I believe we tend to move at a pace that allows us to deny much of our deep thought. Myself included.

I plan to reread the above mentioned book this weekend and let myself rest both physically and mentally. I feel this will open my mind to possibilities and thoughts that I have perhaps buried in my fast pace. You don't have to read a book or see a movie to spur on this self reflection, but you do have to find a quiet place where you can "just be". This may not be easy but it is so necessary to your personal peace of mind.

Staying on the go is the path of least resistance when it comes to self discovery. Being quiet with yourself can be uncomfortable. When is the last time you were quiet enough to center yourself and focus only on your breathing? Clear your mind. I commit to this time this weekend and I am doing it for me! I am worth the quiet time. I know you are as well!

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