More Stuff

Friday, August 13, 2010


My cohorts don't like the term "old". I turn the "big 50" this year and got my AARP letter in the mail a few months ago. Age has never been a big concern for me except when I wanted my drivers license! I say bring on the discounts. LOL

I am not insinuating that any number is old only that with each year that goes by....things change. Now, people call me "maam" and offer me a level of respect that I did not get when I was 25. Now, I admit to more aches, but I could do something about that in the way of daily exercise! Now, I am more comfortable in my own skin than I have ever been. Now, I laugh more at road rage than involve myself in it. Now, I am comfortable by myself. In fact, I require it to keep my sanity. Fortunately, Henry likes his own space as well!

I think I like my age because I have continued to push myself to learn new things. I embrace change because I know it stretches a particular muscle (brain) I need to use. I know you can learn no matter your chronological age, but you must be willing. It is not enough to say it, you must have the courage to do it. Yes, you might fail, but who cares? You are old enough to know better, right?

With age comes wisdom (hopefully), it also affords you the freedom to reach without worrying about what people think.

So Friends, the lesson today from the Coach's Daughter is this...Go for it! Try something new today. Take a new direction to your favorite book store or try something new on the menu! Any "dog" can learn new tricks no matter what their age is.

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