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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Fear Itself...

Remember the quote, "You have nothing to fear, but fear itself." How many of us walk around in fear or "analysis paralysis"? Do you plan a lot and never act on those plans? Is this because you are fearful of failure?

Activities breed activity. Brian Piccolo succeeded in his short life because he embraced his fears and moved past them. His undying sense of adventure and willingness to move kept him on everyone's radar screen.See Life Lesson #2 to read more about Brian and see the video from the movie about his life.
The Coach told me last Friday that he was beginning his rehab from surgery. He is working with weights and swimming again. "Jod, I could swim the length of the pool underwater right before my surgery and now I can only do half the pool. But, I am going to get there soon. I am not afraid to keep swimming a little further every day." (The coach is almost 80!) My Dad understands that success normally doesn't come in a big way but usually in small consistent steps. DAILY FOCUS and ACTIVITIES.

I leave this post today more committed to my own daily focus and activities. I am admitting that I can spend my time more productively and that my success will come from my own volition.

Today's Life Lesson from the Coach's Daughter is...Take one small step in the right direction today. Add another tomorrow. Commit to yourself and let go of the fear that binds you. I know you can do it!

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